Hi ! Here we are : class 2B, 2 year students at Luzzatti institute.
Our high school is located in Gazzera, a small neighbourhood on the mainland not far from Venice. Luzzatti is a vocational school and next year we'll achieve the diploma as operator in company management.
In our class there are 23 students: sixteen nice girls and seven handsome boys. We aren't all Italian: Umran, Asmire and Gulsay come from Macedonia and so they speak Turkish; Duling,Qing and Duhui are Chinese and they are learning Italian. They are working hard as Chinese is very different from Italian! Zoge is Albanian, she has been living in Italy since 2001. As you can see, it's a multicultural class !
We think it's a pretty good class. In fact, we stay quite well together and, only sometimes, there are some incomprehensions; when this happens, we try to find a solution and talk about the best way to solve our problems.
Our weekly timetable consists in 34 hours of lessons ; we study two foreign languages, English and French but the subject that characterised our course is Informatics. During group works we help one another; our teachers are very friendly and helpful , mainly, of course, when we need help.
When our Science teacher, Mrs Eugenia Iovane, told us about Comenius project , we were very excited to take part in such interesting activities. Other teachers are helping us in the Project : Mrs Lucia Oldrati, our teacher of Informatics and Communication Technology, who works with us on the computers and Mrs Paola Furlan, our teacher of English , who checks what we produce in English. Be sure, they have a lot of work! We thanks all of them.
At the moment, we are following all the interesting activities of the Immediate Surroundings Project, and together with Mrs Iovane , we have decided to study the Venetian lagoon.
We started with a visit to the Natural History Museum in Venice last November and we will end with a trip to the lagoon islands next Spring.
If you are interested in our activities, you'll find updated information in the blog. Let's stay in touch : we'll write soon other reports !
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