Back again after Christmas Holidays! The students of the drama group are moving their first steps as actors and actresses so as to stage a play for younger children next May. A teacher with a professional theatrical background meets two groups of students once a week to make them do some basic exercises.

It is by no means an easy task, but little by little a sense of confusion/bewilderment is replaced by awareness and everybody freely lets feelings and movement loose.

Here they are, trying to look like statues… you think it’s easy to be still for endless minutes without losing their balance or bursting into laughter?
So meeting after meeting the director gives out scripts to prompt improvisation: all you need is a hat, a scarf, some make up and everything turns into a stage… teachers try as well, youngsters are decidedly more interesting, though!
Una discussione in strada che si trasforma in qualcosa di pericoloso, una chiaccherata tra amici o un momento affettuoso nella giornata di una coppia....
chissà cos'altro.In ogni caso il progetto "Su il sipario" procede a gonfie vele.
A conversation in a café turning into something dangerous, a chat among friends or a loving moment in the life of a couple… what else? All in all, “Up with the Curtain!” is going perfectly!
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Ma il regista chi è? Madreth's avatar |
Ma il regista chi è? Lei è:
Who is the director? She is:
Drammaturgo. a playwright
Docente di psicotecnica. a psychotechnique teacher
Capocomico della compagnia teatrale Medebach di Venezia
a leader of the Venetian theatre company named Madebach