I ragazzi hanno allestito il loro bidone creando rivestimenti originali, utilizzando diversi materiali per dare un messaggio di sostegno all'attenzione verso l'ambiente, sia scolastico che circostante. Così ecco che sono stati presentati: bidone "natura", bidone "E.T.", bidone "angelo", bidone "canestro", bidone " argento", bidone "capelli", bidone "slogan" , bidone "occhi" e bidone "packman"
And now it is Christmas! The contest for the nicest garbage bin has come to an end. The nine classes making up the Environmental Club have accepted the challenge and made their own garbage bins. They have designed customised wrappings using a variety of materials to call for attention to their immediate surroundings.
The nine competing garbage bins were called as follows:
- Nature, - E.T., - Angel, - Basket, - Silver, - Hair, - Slogan, - Eyes, - Mr Packman
La Commissione giudicatrice ha avuto un bel da fare per valutare i bidoni e per questo ha voluto utilizzare una griglia di valutazione in cui sono stati considerati: pertinenza al tema, uso dei materiali riciclabili e originalità del rivestimento. Ad ogni voce poteva essere assegnato un punteggio per un totale massimo di 20 punti
It wasn't easy for the Jury to choose the winner. An assessment grid was used. The garbage bins had to stick to the environmental topic, be wrapped up in recyclable materials, and imaginative wrappings had to be used. 20 was the maximum score.

It was hard work but in the end the winners got a pen drive each, the second best multicoloured shoe-strings and the third best little soft elephants for their Christmas trees.
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bidone occhi 2° classificato second best: EYES |
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bidone natura 1° classificato the winner: NATURE |
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bidone angelo 3° classificato third best: ANGEL |

Participation was high and everybody was happy at the prize-giving ceremony; now pupils will keep collecting cans till the end of the school year and then a new winner will be picked out!
Altri dettagli al link/ More details at the link: